
What We Do


We’re Here To Serve


Let’s Talk



Business Strategy

Developing a solid business strategy is essential to the long-term life of a ministry. Understanding where you are today, where you desire to go, and the gaps in between are all a part of developing your ministry’s plan. Sarat will help you identify all the moving parts of your present and future state to achieve your goals. This includes strategy and succession planning for the many years ahead.

Church Governance

Organizational administration and governance are often formed based on years of historical church culture. However, some church roles are no longer needed and other roles require development. Ministry can no longer survive without updated rules, regulations, and by-laws from the 1900s. We will help review these documents for appropriateness,

Finance & Budget Planning

Finance and budget planning drives an organization’s activities, particularly when planning is executed and monitored consistently. Planning is not only about income and expenditures, it’s also ensuring an organization’s ability to support the many life cycles of church. Theses cycles can include leadership change, recession and membership growth changes. We can help you prepare for the future while minimizing negative financial impact.

Policies & Procedures

Boundaries and expectation management are other words for policies and procedures. Members, potential members and visitors want to know how you make the business decisions of the ministry. Policies tell them when your decisions are applied to certain situations. Procedures tell them how you will execute those decisions. We help ministries develop policies and procedures for all situations to include administrative , employee, volunteer and disaster policies.

Procedural Audits

Have you already created your policies and procedures? Are they consistent with your standard operations and regulatory requirements? We review documents and processes with those required under IRS regulations and accounting principles for procedural adherence. This gives your organization the opportunity to make any corrections and function better.

Leadership Development

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37). We know this, because too many times we place people in long term roles when it’s not a good fit. However, with guidance and coaching, people can be developed to fit their ideal roles and become better leaders. We can help you develop your core staff to the next level.

Workshops/ Presentations

Are you hosting a local, state, regional or national conference? Allow us to bring relevant and timely topics to your members and leadership teams. Our speakers will help motivate ministry, professional and personal lives. Some of our recent presentation have focused on: Leadership and Church Governance, Leadership Roles in the Church and Starting A New Work.